1. Jesus enters Jerusalem. The crowd of disciples accompanies him in festive mood, their garments are stretched out before him, there is talk of the miracles he has accomplished, and loud praises are heard: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” (Lk 19:38).
Crowds, celebrating, praise, blessing, peace: joy fills the air. Jesus has awakened great hopes, especially in the hearts of the simple, the humble, the poor, the forgotten, those who do not matter in the eyes of the world. He understands human sufferings, he has shown the face of God’s mercy, he has bent down to heal body and soul. Now he enters the Holy City! This is Jesus.This is the heart that looks on all of us, watching our illnesses, our sins. The love of Jesus is great. He enters Jerusalem with this love and watches all of us.
It is a beautiful scene, the light of the love of Jesus, that light of his heart, joy, celebration.
At the beginning of Mass, we repeated all this. We waved our palms, our olive branches, we sang “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord” (Antiphon); we too welcomed Jesus; we too expressed our joy at accompanying him, at knowing him to be close, present in us and among us as a friend, a brother, and also as a King: that is, a shining beacon for our lives. Jesus is God, but he humbled himself to walk with us. He is our friend, our brother. Here, he enlightens us on the journey. And so today we welcome Him And here the first word that comes to mind is “joy!” Do not be men and women of sadness: a Christian can never be sad! Never give way to discouragement! Ours is not a joy that comes from having many possessions, but from having encountered a Person: Jesus, from knowing that with him we are never alone, even at difficult moments, even when our life’s journey comes up against problems and obstacles that seem insurmountable, and there are so many of them! It is at this time that the enemy comes, the devil comes, often disguised as an angel who insidiously tells us his word. Do not listen to him! We follow Jesus!
We accompany, we follow Jesus, but above all we know that he accompanies us and carries us on his shoulders. This is our joy, this is the hope that we must bring to this world of ours. Let us bring the joy of the faith to everyone! Let us not be robbed of hope! Let us not be robbed of hope! The hope that Jesus gives us!
2. A second word: why does Jesus enter Jerusalem? Or better: how does Jesus enter Jerusalem? The crowds acclaim him as King. And he does not deny it, he does not tell them to be silent (cf. Lk 19:39-40). But what kind of a King is Jesus? Let us take a look at him: he is riding on a donkey, he is not accompanied by a court, he is not surrounded by an army as a symbol of power. He is received by humble people, simple folk, who sense that there is more to Jesus, who have the sense of faith that says, “This is the Savior.”
Jesus does not enter the Holy City to receive the honours reserved to earthly kings, to the powerful, to rulers; he enters to be scourged, insulted and abused, as Isaiah foretold in the First Reading (cf. Is 50:6). He enters to receive a crown of thorns, a staff, a purple robe: his kingship becomes an object of derision. He enters to climb Calvary, carrying his burden of wood. And this brings us to the second word: Cross. Jesus enters Jerusalem in order to die on the Cross. And it is here that his kingship shines forth in godly fashion: his royal throne is the wood of the Cross! I think of what Benedict XVI said to the cardinals: “You are princes but of a Crucified King”that is Christ’s throne. Jesus takes it upon himself..why? Why the Cross? Jesus takes upon himself the evil, the filth, the sin of the world, including our own sin, and he cleanses it, he cleanses it with his blood, with the mercy and the love of God. Let us look around: how many wounds are inflicted upon humanity by evil! Wars, violence, economic conflicts that hit the weakest, greed for money, which no-one can bring with him. My grandmother would say to us children, no shroud has pockets! Greed for money, power, corruption, divisions, crimes against human life and against creation! And – each of us knows well – our personal sins: our failures in love and respect towards God, towards our neighbour and towards the whole of creation. Jesus on the Cross feels the whole weight of the evil, and with the force of God’s love he conquers it, he defeats it with his resurrection. This is the good that Christ brings to all of us from the Cross, his throne. Christ’s Cross embraced with love does not lead to sadness, but to joy! The joy of being saved and doing a little bit what he did that day of his death.
3. Today in this Square, there are many young people: for 28 years Palm Sunday has been World Youth Day! This is our third word: youth! Dear young people, I think of you celebrating around Jesus, waving your olive branches. I think of you crying out his name and expressing your joy at being with him! You have an important part in the celebration of faith! You bring us the joy of faith and you tell us that we must live the faith with a young heart, always, even at the age of seventy or eighty.! A young heart! With Christ, the heart never grows old! Yet all of us, all of you know very well that the King whom we follow and who accompanies us is very special: he is a King who loves even to the Cross and who teaches us to serve and to love. And you are not ashamed of his Cross! On the contrary, you embrace it, because you have understood that it is in giving ourselves that we have true joy and that God has conquered evil through love. You carry the pilgrim Cross through all the Continents, along the highways of the world! You carry it in response to Jesus’ call: “Go, make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19), which is the theme of World Youth Day this year. You carry it so as to tell everyone that on the Cross Jesus knocked down the wall of enmity that divides people and nations, and he brought reconciliation and peace. Dear friends, I too am setting out on a journey with you, from today, in the footsteps of Blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI. We are already close to the next stage of this great pilgrimage of Christ’s Cross. I look forward joyfully to next July in Rio de Janeiro! I will see you in that great city in Brazil! Prepare well – prepare spiritually above all – in your communities, so that our gathering in Rio may be a sign of faith for the whole world. Young people need to tell the world: “It is good to follow Jesus, it is good to go with Jesus, the message of Jesus is good, it is good to come out of ourselves, from the edges of existence of the world and to bring Jesus to others!”
Three words: Joy, Cross and Youth.
Let us ask the intercession of the Virgin Mary. She teaches us the joy of meeting Christ, the love with which we must look to the foot of the Cross, the enthusiasm of the young heart with which we must follow him during this Holy Week and throughout our lives. Amen.
(Vatican Radio) Below we publish the text of Pope Francis’ Angelus address this Palm Sunday:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At the end of this celebration, we invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary, that she may accompany us during Holy Week. May she, who followed her Son with faith all the way to Calvary, help us to walk behind him, carrying his Cross with serenity and love, so as to attain the joy of Easter. May Our Lady of Sorrows support especially those who are experiencing difficult situations. My thoughts turn to the people afflicted with tuberculosis, as today is the World Day against this disease. To Mary I entrust especially you, dear young people, and your path towards Rio de Janeiro
Crowds, celebrating, praise, blessing, peace: joy fills the air. Jesus has awakened great hopes, especially in the hearts of the simple, the humble, the poor, the forgotten, those who do not matter in the eyes of the world. He understands human sufferings, he has shown the face of God’s mercy, he has bent down to heal body and soul. Now he enters the Holy City! This is Jesus.This is the heart that looks on all of us, watching our illnesses, our sins. The love of Jesus is great. He enters Jerusalem with this love and watches all of us.
It is a beautiful scene, the light of the love of Jesus, that light of his heart, joy, celebration.
At the beginning of Mass, we repeated all this. We waved our palms, our olive branches, we sang “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord” (Antiphon); we too welcomed Jesus; we too expressed our joy at accompanying him, at knowing him to be close, present in us and among us as a friend, a brother, and also as a King: that is, a shining beacon for our lives. Jesus is God, but he humbled himself to walk with us. He is our friend, our brother. Here, he enlightens us on the journey. And so today we welcome Him And here the first word that comes to mind is “joy!” Do not be men and women of sadness: a Christian can never be sad! Never give way to discouragement! Ours is not a joy that comes from having many possessions, but from having encountered a Person: Jesus, from knowing that with him we are never alone, even at difficult moments, even when our life’s journey comes up against problems and obstacles that seem insurmountable, and there are so many of them! It is at this time that the enemy comes, the devil comes, often disguised as an angel who insidiously tells us his word. Do not listen to him! We follow Jesus!
We accompany, we follow Jesus, but above all we know that he accompanies us and carries us on his shoulders. This is our joy, this is the hope that we must bring to this world of ours. Let us bring the joy of the faith to everyone! Let us not be robbed of hope! Let us not be robbed of hope! The hope that Jesus gives us!
2. A second word: why does Jesus enter Jerusalem? Or better: how does Jesus enter Jerusalem? The crowds acclaim him as King. And he does not deny it, he does not tell them to be silent (cf. Lk 19:39-40). But what kind of a King is Jesus? Let us take a look at him: he is riding on a donkey, he is not accompanied by a court, he is not surrounded by an army as a symbol of power. He is received by humble people, simple folk, who sense that there is more to Jesus, who have the sense of faith that says, “This is the Savior.”
Jesus does not enter the Holy City to receive the honours reserved to earthly kings, to the powerful, to rulers; he enters to be scourged, insulted and abused, as Isaiah foretold in the First Reading (cf. Is 50:6). He enters to receive a crown of thorns, a staff, a purple robe: his kingship becomes an object of derision. He enters to climb Calvary, carrying his burden of wood. And this brings us to the second word: Cross. Jesus enters Jerusalem in order to die on the Cross. And it is here that his kingship shines forth in godly fashion: his royal throne is the wood of the Cross! I think of what Benedict XVI said to the cardinals: “You are princes but of a Crucified King”that is Christ’s throne. Jesus takes it upon himself..why? Why the Cross? Jesus takes upon himself the evil, the filth, the sin of the world, including our own sin, and he cleanses it, he cleanses it with his blood, with the mercy and the love of God. Let us look around: how many wounds are inflicted upon humanity by evil! Wars, violence, economic conflicts that hit the weakest, greed for money, which no-one can bring with him. My grandmother would say to us children, no shroud has pockets! Greed for money, power, corruption, divisions, crimes against human life and against creation! And – each of us knows well – our personal sins: our failures in love and respect towards God, towards our neighbour and towards the whole of creation. Jesus on the Cross feels the whole weight of the evil, and with the force of God’s love he conquers it, he defeats it with his resurrection. This is the good that Christ brings to all of us from the Cross, his throne. Christ’s Cross embraced with love does not lead to sadness, but to joy! The joy of being saved and doing a little bit what he did that day of his death.
3. Today in this Square, there are many young people: for 28 years Palm Sunday has been World Youth Day! This is our third word: youth! Dear young people, I think of you celebrating around Jesus, waving your olive branches. I think of you crying out his name and expressing your joy at being with him! You have an important part in the celebration of faith! You bring us the joy of faith and you tell us that we must live the faith with a young heart, always, even at the age of seventy or eighty.! A young heart! With Christ, the heart never grows old! Yet all of us, all of you know very well that the King whom we follow and who accompanies us is very special: he is a King who loves even to the Cross and who teaches us to serve and to love. And you are not ashamed of his Cross! On the contrary, you embrace it, because you have understood that it is in giving ourselves that we have true joy and that God has conquered evil through love. You carry the pilgrim Cross through all the Continents, along the highways of the world! You carry it in response to Jesus’ call: “Go, make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19), which is the theme of World Youth Day this year. You carry it so as to tell everyone that on the Cross Jesus knocked down the wall of enmity that divides people and nations, and he brought reconciliation and peace. Dear friends, I too am setting out on a journey with you, from today, in the footsteps of Blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI. We are already close to the next stage of this great pilgrimage of Christ’s Cross. I look forward joyfully to next July in Rio de Janeiro! I will see you in that great city in Brazil! Prepare well – prepare spiritually above all – in your communities, so that our gathering in Rio may be a sign of faith for the whole world. Young people need to tell the world: “It is good to follow Jesus, it is good to go with Jesus, the message of Jesus is good, it is good to come out of ourselves, from the edges of existence of the world and to bring Jesus to others!”
Three words: Joy, Cross and Youth.
Let us ask the intercession of the Virgin Mary. She teaches us the joy of meeting Christ, the love with which we must look to the foot of the Cross, the enthusiasm of the young heart with which we must follow him during this Holy Week and throughout our lives. Amen.
(Vatican Radio) Below we publish the text of Pope Francis’ Angelus address this Palm Sunday:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At the end of this celebration, we invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary, that she may accompany us during Holy Week. May she, who followed her Son with faith all the way to Calvary, help us to walk behind him, carrying his Cross with serenity and love, so as to attain the joy of Easter. May Our Lady of Sorrows support especially those who are experiencing difficult situations. My thoughts turn to the people afflicted with tuberculosis, as today is the World Day against this disease. To Mary I entrust especially you, dear young people, and your path towards Rio de Janeiro
I forgot to watch the Mass, so commentary later tonight, but nice alb, cope and chasuble and Franciscan Altar Arrangement! Did anyone see the Mass?
Homilia de Domingo de Ramos Papa Francisco
Praça de São Pedro
XXVIII Jornada Mundial da Juventude
Domingo, 24 de março de 2013
XXVIII Jornada Mundial da Juventude
Domingo, 24 de março de 2013
1. Jesus entra em Jerusalém. A multidão dos discípulos acompanha-O em festa, os mantos são estendidos diante d’Ele, fala-se dos prodígios que realizou, ergue-se um grito de louvor: «Bendito seja o Rei que vem em nome do Senhor! Paz no céu e glória nas alturas!» (Lc 19, 38).Multidão, festa, louvor, bênção, paz: respira-se um clima de alegria. Jesus despertou tantas esperanças no coração, especialmente das pessoas humildes, simples, pobres, abandonadas, pessoas que não contam aos olhos do mundo. Soube compreender as misérias humanas, mostrou o rosto misericordioso de Deus e inclinou-Se para curar o corpo e a alma.
Assim é Jesus. Assim é o seu coração, que nos vê a todos, que vê as nossas enfermidades, os nossos pecados. Grande é o amor de Jesus! E entra em Jerusalém assim com este amor que nos vê a todos. É um espectáculo lindo: cheio de luz – a luz do amor de Jesus, do amor do seu coração –, de alegria, de festa.
No início da Missa, também nós o reproduzimos. Agitámos os nossos ramos de palmeira. Também nós acolhemos Jesus; também nós manifestamos a alegria de O acompanhar, de O sentir perto de nós, presente em nós e no nosso meio, como um amigo, como um irmão, mas também como rei, isto é, como farol luminoso da nossa vida. Jesus é Deus, mas desceu a caminhar connosco como nosso amigo, como nosso irmão; e aqui nos ilumina ao longo do caminho. E assim hoje O acolhemos. E aqui temos a primeira palavra que vos queria dizer: alegria! Nunca sejais homens emulheres tristes: um cristão não o pode ser jamais! Nunca vos deixeis invadir pelo desânimo! A nossa alegria não nasce do facto de possuirmos muitas coisas, mas de termos encontrado uma Pessoa: Jesus, que está no meio de nós; nasce do facto de sabermos que, com Ele, nunca estamos sozinhos, mesmo nos momentos difíceis, mesmo quando o caminho da vida é confrontado com problemas e obstáculos que parecem insuperáveis… e há tantos! E nestes momentos vem o inimigo, vem o diabo, muitas vezes disfarçado de anjo, e insidiosamente nos diz a sua palavra. Não o escuteis! Sigamos Jesus! Nós acompanhamos, seguimos Jesus, mas sobretudo sabemos que Ele nos acompanha e nos carrega aos seus ombros: aqui está a nossa alegria, a esperança que devemos levar a este nosso mundo. E, por favor, não deixeis que vos roubem a esperança! Não deixeis roubar a esperança… aquela que nos dá Jesus!
2. Segunda palavra. Para que entra Jesus em Jerusalém? Ou talvez melhor: Como entra Jesus em Jerusalém? A multidão aclama-O como Rei. E Ele não Se opõe, não a manda calar (cf. Lc 19, 39-40). Mas, que tipo de Rei seria Jesus? Vejamo-Lo… Monta um jumentinho, não tem uma corte como séquito, nem está rodeado de um exército como símbolo de força. Quem O acolhe são pessoas humildes, simples, que possuem um sentido para ver em Jesus algo mais; têm o sentido da fé que diz: Este é o Salvador. Jesus não entra na Cidade Santa, para receber as honras reservadas aos reis terrenos, a quem tem poder, a quem domina; entra para ser flagelado, insultado e ultrajado, como preanuncia Isaías na Primeira Leitura (cf. Is 50, 6); entra para receber uma coroa de espinhos, uma cana, um manto de púrpura (a sua realeza será objecto de ludíbrio); entra para subir ao Calvário carregado com um madeiro. E aqui temos a segunda palavra: Cruz. Jesus entra em Jerusalém para morrer na Cruz. E é precisamente aqui que refulge o seu ser Rei segundo Deus: o seu trono real é o madeiro da Cruz! Vem-me à mente aquilo que Bento XVI dizia aos Cardeais: Vós sois príncipes, mas de um Rei crucificado. Tal é o trono de Jesus. Jesus toma-o sobre Si… Porquê a Cruz? Porque Jesus toma sobre Si o mal, a sujeira, o pecado do mundo, incluindo o nosso pecado, o pecado de todos nós, e lava-o; lava-o com o seu sangue, com a misericórdia, com o amor de Deus. Olhemos ao nosso redor… Tantas feridas infligidas pelo mal à humanidade: guerras, violências, conflitos económicos que atingem quem é mais fraco, sede de dinheiro, que depois ninguém pode levar consigo, terá de o deixar. A minha avó dizia-nos (éramos nós meninos): a mortalha não tem bolsos. Amor ao dinheiro, poder, corrupção, divisões, crimes contra a vida humana e contra a criação! E também – como bem o sabe e conhece cada um de nós - os nossos pecados pessoais: as faltas de amor e respeito para com Deus, com o próximo e com a criação inteira. E na cruz, Jesus sente todo o peso do mal e, com a força do amor de Deus, vence-o, derrota-o na sua ressurreição. Este é o bem que Jesus realiza por todos nós sobre o trono da Cruz. Abraçada com amor, a cruz de Cristo nunca leva à tristeza, mas à alegria, à alegria de sermos salvos e de realizarmos um bocadinho daquilo que Ele fez no dia da sua morte.
3. Hoje, nesta Praça, há tantos jovens. Desde há 28 anos que o Domingo de Ramos é a Jornada da Juventude! E aqui aparece a terceira palavra: jovens! Queridos jovens, vi-vos quando entráveis em procissão; imagino-vos fazendo festa ao redor de Jesus, agitando os ramos de oliveira; imagino-vos gritando o seu nome e expressando a vossa alegria por estardes com Ele! Vós tendes um parte importante na festa da fé! Vós trazeis-nos a alegria da fé e dizeis-nos que devemos viver a fé com um coração jovem, sempre: um coração jovem, mesmo aos setenta, oitenta anos! Coração jovem! Com Cristo, o coração nunca envelhece. Entretanto todos sabemos – e bem o sabeis vós – que o Rei que seguimos e nos acompanha, é muito especial: é um Rei que ama até à cruz e nos ensina a servir, a amar. E vós não tendes vergonha da sua Cruz; antes, abraçai-la, porque compreendestes que é no dom de si, no dom de si, no sair de si mesmo, que se alcança a verdadeira alegria e que com o amor de Deus Ele venceu o mal. Vós levais a Cruz peregrina por todos os continentes, pelas estradas do mundo. Levai-la, correspondendo ao convite de Jesus: «Ide e fazei discípulos entre as nações» (cf. Mt 28, 19), que é o tema da Jornada da Juventude deste ano. Levai-la para dizer a todos que, na cruz, Jesus abateu o muro da inimizade, que separa os homens e os povos, e trouxe a reconciliação e a paz. Queridos amigos, na esteira do Beato João Paulo II e de Bento XVI, também eu, desde hoje, me ponho a caminho convosco. Já estamos perto da próxima etapa desta grande peregrinação da Cruz. Olho com alegria para o próximo mês de Julho, no Rio de Janeiro. Vinde! Encontramo-nos naquela grande cidade do Brasil! Preparai-vos bem, sobretudo espiritualmente, nas vossas comunidades, para que o referido Encontro seja um sinal de fé para o mundo inteiro. Os jovens devem dizer ao mundo: é bom seguir Jesus; é bom andar com Jesus; é boa a mensagem de Jesus; é bom sair de nós mesmos para levar Jesus às periferias do mundo e da existência. Três palavras: alegria, cruz, jovens.
Peçamos a intercessão da Virgem Maria. Que Ela nos ensine a alegria do encontro com Cristo, o amor com que O devemos contemplar ao pé da cruz, o entusiasmo do coração jovem com que O devemos seguir nesta Semana Santa e por toda a nossa vida. Assim seja.
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